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Bruxism (Teeth Grinding) Specialist

Goldstein & Freud, DDS, PLLC

Dentists located in Newburgh, NY

Teeth grinding can lead to a variety of problems, including damaged or worn teeth, jaw muscle issues, and headaches. That’s why the team at Goldstein & Freud, DDS, PLLC, in Newburgh, New York, treats bruxism (teeth grinding) with personalized care plans. Bruxism is often a sleep-related disorder, which means it’s important to come in for regular checkups so that your dentist can detect signs of teeth grinding early on. To come in for your next visit, call the office today.

Bruxism (Teeth Grinding) Q & A

What is bruxism? 

Bruxism is a condition marked by the grinding or clenching of your teeth. You may grind or clench your teeth unconsciously while you’re awake, but it often occurs while you sleep. 

If left untreated, bruxism can progress and worsen. Over time, it can lead to severe headaches, jaw disorders, and damaged or worn teeth. It’s important to know some of the most common signs and symptoms of bruxism, which include: 

  • Flat, chipped, or loose teeth
  • Teeth grinding loud enough to wake you up at night
  • Jaw pain
  • Neck or facial soreness
  • Damage to the inside of your cheek from chewing it
  • Having trouble sleeping

Since bruxism symptoms often occur while you’re sleeping, it’s helpful to have your sleep partner pay attention to your habits and point out anything they may notice. 

What causes bruxism? 

The exact cause of bruxism isn’t known, but it’s believed to be the result of a combination of physical and environmental factors. Many cases of bruxism are linked to stress and anxiety. 

There are, however, certain risk factors that may increase your chances of developing bruxism, such as: 

  • Mental health issues
  • Age (risk increases as you get older)
  • Having an aggressive personality type
  • Family history
  • Certain medication
  • Smoking tobacco
  • Alcohol abuse

It’s important to get a professional diagnosis in order to better understand the root cause of your bruxism. That helps the team treat your case effectively. 

How is bruxism diagnosed? 

The team at Goldstein & Freud, DDS, PLLC, performs a comprehensive exam to evaluate your symptoms and gain a better understanding of your specific bruxism case. Depending on your situation, they may opt for imaging tests to assess the impact on your jaw and other surrounding structures. 

How is bruxism treated? 

Treating bruxism comes down to understanding why you grind your teeth and addressing the underlying cause. In some cases, that means making referrals to outside health care providers who can help you tackle contributing factors. However, personalized treatment plans typically combine that with the use of oral nighttime appliances. 

Wearing a night guard while you sleep helps reposition your jaw to limit the teeth grinding and clenching that wears down your teeth enamel and negatively impacts your jaw. These night guards are custom-made to fit comfortably and not disturb your sleep. 

To learn more, call the office or book an appointment online today.